
Some of the services we offer

Mowing Service

Every mowing service includes trimming along the turf perimeter, edging along sidewalks and driveways, and blow-off of all walkways and paved areas. The mowing direction is rotated regularly and cut with sharpened blades. The mowing height is set between 2½”- 3½” depending on climate and turf conditions. Grass clippings will be sustainably mulched into the lawn or bagged for removal.

Spring & Fall Leaf Pick Up

we will do everything it takes to pick up as many leaves as quickly as possible by blowing, raking, mowing in all areas of the entire property, not just grass areas. We tailor Leaf Pick Up to your needs. In the Fall you may want to keep leaves in Garden & Shrub areas to help protect during winter vs. Spring you may want leaves underneath Shrubs & Gardens to be removed. Of course, we will do Entryways & Decks because leaves always somehow make their way into the house. From “Corner to Corner” we will get over and under any area you need. For the grass areas in the Spring it can also involve a Power Rake if requested

Bi-Weekly Mowing

We offer this budget service primarily for people who water their lawn infrequently. Most lawns require weekly mowing, especially if it rains or if fertilizer is applied. Cutting too much at one time can damage the grass. It also takes longer to mow – sometimes longer than the time to mow it twice at regular length. Be advised that bi-weekly mowing is subject to an overgrowth fee and it is not uncommon for bi-weekly customers to receive one or two of these fees per season. If you are unsure how quickly your lawn grows we recommend starting with weekly service – you can always skip a week now-and-then if needed.


Lawn aeration is a service which is recommended annually to improve your lawn in several ways. Aeration improves the moisture and air exchange in the soil. Excessive moisture retention and compaction of the soil shuts down the plants ability to exchange air, nutrients and conduct photosynthesis. Without this exchange, plants shut down and begin to fail. Aeration stimulates new root growth and development by cutting the stolons and roots and allowing room to grow.


Cleanups are customized for your specific needs and may include: leaf or miscellaneous debris removal, preparation of beds and rock areas, winter preparation of ornamental grasses and plants, removal of pine needles, or other. Cleanups are billed per man hour ONLY while we work.

Fertilization and Weed Control Program

Five special applications between spring and fall of granular fertilizer and liquid weed control:
  • 1st application (April and May)
  • 2nd application (Late May to June)
  • 3rd application (June to August)
  • 4th application (August to September)
  • 5th application (September to November)   

Fertilization Process

Mow Masters Schedule for Residential and Commercial Clients.

Here we want to give you a sample of what time of the year we will be providing services to you and what would be the most beneficial for your lawn.  You may only want a selection of these services and we would be happy to provide you with one or all of these services listed below. 
Spring (April-May)
  • Sign up for our 4-step fertilizer program
  • Spring De-thatching
  • Spring Clean-up Services
  • Apply first application of fertilizer-  Slow release granular seasonal fertilizer with pre-emergent crabgrass control
  • Begin lawn mowing services once a week at a cut from 2.5″ to 3″. We will weed-eat around all landscaped areas, trees and hard surfaces and finish by blowing off grass clippings from any unwanted areas. We also can collect grass clippings for an extra charge.
  • If lawn is well established and not at a high risk for weeds we do provide spring core aeration at this time
Late Spring (May-June)
  • Continue regular lawn mowing at a height of 2.5″ to 3″.
  • Apply second application of fertilizer-  Slow release granular seasonal fertilizer. We will also be spraying a liquid weed spot control if troublesome weeds are present.
Early to Late Summer (July-August)
  • Weather permitting cut back on weekly mowing as lawn goes into dormancy period.
  • Cut height should be around 3″ to protect soil temperatures from the heat
  • Regular watering could be implemented to keep lawn from stressing out
Early Fall (August-September)
  • Apply third application of fertilizer-  Granular seasonal fertilizer will be applied and weed control as needed. This will continue to feed your lawn the nutrients needed to keep a strong and healthy lawn after the drought period
  • Sign up for Fall Aerations
  • Back to weekly mowing at 2.5″-2.75″

Lawn Aeration increases air and water flow creating a healthier lawn

Late Fall (October-November)
  • This time of the year we will start lowering the cut to roughly 2″-2.5″ never exceeding a cut of 1/3 of the entire length of grass
  • Apply fourth application of fertilizer-  Granular fertilizer designed to provide your lawn with the necessary nutrients to last through the winter, green-up your lawn in spring and will build up a strong root system. Additionally liquid weed control will be applied on targeted weeds
  • Fall cleanups will begin along with bush trimmings
Winter (December-March)
  • Sign up for Snow Removal Services with us! 
  • CONTACT US TODAY!                    Call (316) 821-0147

Power Raking Or De-Thatching

Power Raking or de-thatching a lawn is a grass area specific service only performed in the Spring. It is done with a machine that on the underside has vertical spinning teeth, basically a motorized rake. It is the process of raking old dead grass, old leaves, and unbroken down thatch out of your lawn’s Root Zone. Power Raking is not as important as Lawn Aeration for some lawns. Lawn Aeration itself will help with thatch if the thatch level is a ½ inch or less. Power Raking is not for every lawn but depending on the lawn it could be essential. If water doesn’t seem to want to penetrate the surface of the lawn, has necrotic ring spots, or has areas where you can see good green grass trying to poke through a lot of brown and seems to be struggling or “choking”, your yard could be carrying excess thatch and may need a Power Rake. A lighter or shallow Power Raking is recommended. Power Raking too deep can be damaging to the lawn making longer recovery time, but Power Raking done properly will remove matted turf and will promote a quick Spring green-up by letting air move to the root zone and warm the turf. Power Raking is a great idea if you’re going to over-seed, (out with the old and in with the new). Power Raking also allows for deeper Lawn Aeration holes. By removing a thick thatch layer, the aeration machine has less material to go through to get to the soil. When completed you will see all the buried thatch that has been brought to the surface. We then rake and/or mow all the debris. The process usually takes a little over an hour, in which raking thatch by hand with a metal rake may take someone several weekends! 

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